
Water is a precious resource and a true gift to our clients and their families. Here’s what some of our clients are saying:

There are no words

I wanted to let you know that my mom just called me to let me know they had warm water and the bathroom worked! Apparently, it all just got hooked up and working a couple of hours ago, so they are going to take showers ASAP! Please accept hugs, thanks, and so much appreciation from myself, my mom, and family in what you did for them. There are no words that can be said to portray how much this means. Mom told me to give you “hugs and kisses”. Thank you for helping them out.

Family from Eitzen, Minnesota

Truly a blessing to all the lives they touch

This company has changed our lives forever.

In October 2022 we purchased a home and had no knowledge of a well on the property because the listing said the home was on city water. On the same day, we moved in, the water cut off while I was in the shower. That was how we found out about the well.

Some background, my husband and I are hardworking individuals who used to be very very very low income. When I gave birth to our first child, we had nowhere to live, and my husband was laid off from work the week before. We struggled hard for the first ten years of our marriage as we tried to make a life for our children, we lived on food stamps, etc. We wanted more for our kids so we went to college, I went to law school, I decided not to sit for the bar, and we, subsequently, found career paths we enjoy that allow us to spend time with our kids on a consistent daily basis. However, I had also racked up $200K in student loan debt. Yes, we also started earning more money; however, we are right in that sweet spot where we could never outright pay for a new well – yet we make enough to not require any outside aid.

You can probably imagine our distress when we learned that we were unable to get any assistance with having a new well drilled because of our income. With the new home loan and my student loan debt, no bank would touch our multiple requests for a personal loan.

We felt like we had entered a nightmare. We were only getting about 40-gallons a day from the old well. In order to make sure we were all clean and the laundry was done, we had to limit the kids to 1.5-minute showers, many times I would bathe in the water after the kids when we ran a bath, we did the laundry at a laundry mat & also in the bath water on some occasions – the list of creative things we did to survive is endless.

It broke my heart just a little more with each day that I was forced to time my kids in the shower. I felt like I was a complete failure as a parent. At one point, I had to save rainwater to wash things like comforters and towels, dishes, etc., because we had no water.

When I contacted WWT, they determined we were over the income limit; and yet Sherry reassured me they do have some companies that are willing to work with families that have kids even if they don’t qualify due to their income.

You might be able to imagine, I considered WWT a long shot. I felt like we were going to have to live like this forever…

After a year or so, we considered selling, which would have been a huge loss. Because of the interest rates our family, which has three kids, would not be able to buy a new house – we would have had to move into an apartment. It was a hopeless situation.

Then, a miracle happened. Sherry called me and said they found someone who was willing to bless our family with a new well. I cried, and when I say I cried, I SOBBED like a big crybaby, tears of joy and relief and gratitude. I was in disbelief that this was actually happening. I had been in this nightmare for so long and thought it would never end. Then these amazing people were true to their word and found someone to support us in our dire time of need.

We now have water, and a well, and we bathe – we bathe for as long as we want. We can water the garden, which was deprived for so long the plants are overgrowing everything else! We can run the dishwasher, and do laundry, and shower AT THE SAME TIME! My children no longer feel like we don’t want them to be clean (they have no shower time limit – in fact, they can shower as many times daily as their hearts desire).

The despair is gone.

I cannot express my family’s gratitude enough. We have truly been given a gift. It saddens me to know that there are other families who struggle with this same issue daily – water is a basic human right, and yet, we had none. I encourage anyone who is struggling to live because of water issues to contact WWT. This company is truly a blessing to all the lives they touch.

Thank you WWT.

Family from Canton, Georgia - Recipients of CF Funds

Like an angel!

I was on a shared well and things got a little crazy, but I couldn’t afford to have my own well dug until you and Water Well Trust helped me. This new well has added a lot of value to my home, but more importantly, it will allow me to stay here where I’m comfortable and have great friends and neighbors. I’m not an overly religious person, but you are like an angel. Thank you!

Homeowner in Kodak, Tennessee

Dream come true

We just want to say THANK YOU Water Well Trust for making our dream of having a well come true. We are so very grateful for your help. Getting this well will be such a life changer. We won’t know how to act without having to haul water in our car. Constantly hauling water jugs into the house for toilet use and everything else. Most of all we are really looking forward to being able to shower again. We are both 66 years old. It was beginning to be very hard on us not having a water well on our property. Again, we say thank you so very much for making our dream of having a water well come true. God Bless you all.

Homeowners from Missouri

Life changing!

I will tell you the well has been life-changing. It saves us 10-15 hours a week and relieves so much stress and planning around water! I just want to thank you again for all the time you’ve spent helping me get to this point. We deeply appreciate this opportunity.

Family from Parker County, Texas

Shower Water!

I took a shower last night!! OMG! 🥰 it was amazing! They have to come and bury the water lines and do the finishing touches. He said early next week. We had a bad storm come through and they’ve had to get people’s water running again, which is why it’s been a delay, he said yesterday. So, today we’re having a water play day when I get off work! I’ll take pics. We’re going to play in the sprinkler!

Homeowner from Canton County, Georgia

My life has changed so much

Though we met so briefly, you felt like family. My life has changed so much since that encounter. Not only because of the well but because God proved to me that there were still people with compassion left in this world. Because of this well, I have been able to begin reclaiming my property that had grown over. I’m able to have gardens, which is a passion of mine. I also now have rabbits and soon ducks as well as my chickens. Yep, I’m a farm girl at heart! Being able to do these things has renewed my passion for living. I have lost 53 LBS and I’m regaining my health. What a difference a simple thing like water can make. Thank you for what you do. 

Private Homeowner from South Carolina

Running water after 15 years without!

I cannot thank you enough for all your time and help so I can have running water after 15 years of living here without it. I never would have gotten it. I am so grateful! Thanks again!

Family from Arkansas

We thank God every day for you and our water

We can’t thank you enough. We have gone 6 years without running water when we bought our place. We are both disabled and you have helped us so much. We thank God every day for you and our water. Bless you all.

Homeowners from Iowa

My heartfelt gratitude

On September 8th, 2020, the North Complex Fire blew through Berry Creek and destroyed almost everything in its path. My home was one of many that was reduced to ashes and puddles of melted metal. There was no evacuation warning, but there was a change in the smoke and the heat so I knew it was close. I told my granddaughter to pack her favorite things in her backpack, I grabbed what I could and loaded her and the dogs in the car. We were lucky and got out in time. After taking our poor confused dogs to the emergency animal shelter, we spent a few nights in my little car until we found help at the FEMA evacuation center in Gridley. They helped us find temporary shelter until I was allowed to go back up the mountain. Everything was gone, including the top of my well, the tanks, and all the solar components of the system. Exactly a year after the fire, I finally received my Completion of Property Cleanup letter allowing me to initiate rebuilding efforts. I remembered hearing about the Water Well Trust from “Sandy” at the 211 helpline. Since the costs were so high and my budget was so low, I took her advice and applied for a loan to restore my water.

When I got the call from Margaret Martens two weeks ago, I thought it was about being approved for the loan, but when Tom Drew joined the call and said I was receiving a grant, I was simply stunned. I was so relieved and flabbergasted! I called my granddaughter afterwards and told her the good news, and she was so happy she started crying. Having running water meant we could start to rebuild and replant our garden and fruit trees and get our home back. It’s been a year and a half of waiting and we are so excited now!

I want to thank all the kind and wonderful people who have made this possible, starting with the Grundos Foundation for their incredibly generous contribution and for their inspiring humanitarian work. Thank you to Tom Drew, Dan Story, and all the caring people who helped make this happen. Thank you to Margaret MArtens, Tara Green, and Elizabeth McClain for approving my application. I appreciate the whole crew who worked so hard at the well site. And I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the people who have donated to the Water Well Trust. Thank you all so much!

California Wildfire Victim

Thank you because you made it possible

I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, thank you!

I still wake up in the middle of the night and I feel like it was a dream. I thought we wouldn’t have water for years. I grew up without water when I was a kid. I was already 22 when my parents were able to finally drill their well. I thought it would be the same for me.

Now, I can give my daughters clean water to shower, to water a garden, to water trees. And I can’t believe it.

Thank you because you made it possible. We just needed that little extra help. You have no idea the difference you make in our lives.

Blessings to you and the Water Well Trust!

Family from New Mexico

Made my life a lot easier

Pentair and Water Well Trust made my life a lot easier. Thanks you guys. Y’all went above and beyond to make what seemed impossible very possible. And we are so thankful…

Family from Arkansas

Super pleased

I’m super please with everything regarding my well. You. Rodgers. Placement of well. Everyone and everything! God first…who had provided all people and product!

Private Homeowner from South Carolina

Thank you for the water you gave us

Every night when I go to bed, I thank you and skip and our heavenly father for the water you gave us.

Skip Cook Memorial Fund Recipient in Texas

No water, no life

We cannot thank you guys enough. No water, no life. In our case, we had limited water with limited life. You guys rock. We will finally, after more than a solid year, get to drink from our faucets and kids can fill up a bathtub…

Family from Arkansas

We’re so thankful for the Water Well Trust


Update: Just finished installing my sediment filter and life has been pretty good.  It’s so crazy how important water is and how much we take it for granted.  Even being in Iraq and Afghanistan we had easy access to water!  I never understood just how important it really was until these past few weeks. We are so grateful.

Family from South Carolina

A Blessing to Our Customers

I am so excited that you were able to help this family! We just took a large tank filled with water to their home so they will have use of their bathroom until the well is finished. This family has touched our hearts. Thank you for all that you do! You have been a blessing to our customers and to us!


Wendell J. Lee Well Services Inc.

So Grateful

I’m so grateful and thankful to Water Well Trust for giving me a loan to get my well fixed. I truly appreciate y’all being there for me. The staff was so nice and friendly and I will recommend them to anyone in need. Thank you so much. And, may God bless you all.

Private Homeowner from Georgia

Thank Y’all!

We would like to thank everyone at the Water Well Trust with helping us get our new water well. Y’all are wonderful people! Again, thank y’all!

Private Homeowner from Georgia

Just Needed a Hand

It is a great program because it is a low interest loan as opposed to simply a giveaway. This serves as a real motivation. And, it meets the needs of so many, like me, who just need a hand to meet their water needs. It helped me tremendously.


Private Homeowner from Georgia

Truly life changing

We wanted you to know you truly changed our lives with this water loan. Thanks so much!

Private Homeowner

No longer relying on our pond!

We currently use pond water for cleaning and bathing. We have no safe drinking water. We have to haul drinking water in. When the pond goes dry we have to haul water from 20 miles away down dangerous highways as the water moves in the tank while driving causing the truck to swerve. Have received well drilling estimates only to find they are so far out of our range we will never have safe running water without your assistance.

Private Homeowner

Clean well water once again!

My husband and I are asking for assistance from the WWT to have a well dug for running water. Not having water has been a challenge living our lives day to day with all of our needs,. Not being able to shower, clean, do laundry, cook and drink water does not seem to exist in America but it does. We do know our stress, insecurities, mental and physical well being, hygiene and living will be much better with your help getting a well!

Private Homeowner

Our family’s lives have changed beyond measure

I’m a fifty­ five year old man with a young wife and five young children. My family and I purchased forty acres in northern Arkansas in 2009. We made a choice to live on the property even though no one ever had. With no well or water source of any kind on the property, we hauled water with a four wheel drive suburban for over five years. Pulling a trailer carrying a three hundred gallon cage up a quarter mile long steep washed out dirt driveway after an hour and a half round trip drive wasn’t easy nor cheap. The maintenance on the vehicles and trailers alone was hard enough to endure. Foul weather sometimes made “water runs” impossible. We learned about Well Water Trust by chance from a friend that had a flyer she gave us. I had considered selling family heirlooms, taking on another job, asking my wife to do the same, even giving up and selling out. Making the simple phone call to Margaret Martens changed our standards of living and overall well being beyond measure. With absolutely no red tape or delay in qualification, we were able to contract the services and submit invoices with no trouble or out of pocket expenses whatsoever. We literally had running water within thirty days of our initial phone call. This opportunity we were blessed with is nothing shy of a miracle to us.

Well Recipient from Flippin, Arkansas

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